I wanted to take just a moment to write to you and express my sincere appreciation for the work your firm has completed to date on the Toyota renovations project currently being constructed at their Port Newark vehicle processing facility. Central Sheet Metal’s work in the field has been exemplary. Although I can’t thank all of your associates who participate in the project, I trust you will do so on my behalf.
In particular, I want to express my appreciation to Mr. Tim Busch, Forman; and Mr. Bruce Hemmingway, Journeyman. Tim has helped me a great deal throughout the project by looking ahead, making positive suggestions were required and for being concerned about the project quality, schedule and cost. Bruce has been a positive force in his work ethic, quality and approach to work. Both of these gentlemen have set the bar for the schedule on each of the areas we work during the renovations. They are at the site every day, always early, always prepared, always positive. They work well with the other craft personnel and the project management in all of their activities.
I am positive Central will be involved with other Toyota projects which are on the horizon for the local area. If I’m involved, then Central Sheet Metal will be involved, and I trust Tim and Bruce will be there as well. They are outstanding asset to your firm. I’m sure you realize this fact and will make every effort to support them on their future endeavors. Your personal expression of appreciation to Tim and Bruce is appreciated. I thank them every day.